Reports on accepted and returned transfers
Once a day, YooMoney generates reports on deposited and returned transfers. Reports are generated as files in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format and sent as attachments to the Counterparty’s email address. The emails are signed with the YooMoney certificate (S/MIME signature).
The report on deposited transfers contains all transfers made on the specified date.
The report on returned transfers contains all the transfers returned (partially or completely) on the specified date.
Report format
The format of the report file conforms to the recommendations of IETF RFC4180. The semicolon (;) is used as the field divider. Encoding is UTF‑8.
The CSV text format is a set of rows separated by the line feed character (LF or CRLF). Each row contains fields separated by semicolons (;). If any parameter values contain double quote characters ("), semicolons (;), or line feeds, these parameters must be enclosed in quotation marks (").
It is allowed to put all fields in quotation marks, regardless of which characters they contain. If a field is not enclosed in quotation marks, all the surrounding spaces (up to the semicolon or up to the start or end of the line) are ignored.
Email format
The email subject is generated from a template:
PAYMENT REGISTER FOR <Company name> FOR <Date of transfer (yyyy-mm-dd)>. No. <number>
Format of the file name of the report on accepted transfers
Format of the file name of the report on returned transfers
Structure of the report file
The report file contents consist of the following elements:
  • The report header containing data about the report number and date (HD row);
  • Transfers on the specified date (D rows);
  • The control row or marker of no more transfers at the end of the report (TD row).
Report header (HD row)
The report header contains the merchant ID in YooMoney, the report number (report ID) and the report period that the report was generated for.
Format of the report header
Report header parameters
registerIdxs:longID of the generated report, unique over the entire history of operations.
agentIdxs:longCounterparty ID.
Beginning of the report period that the report was generated for, inclusively (including “from”).
Date and time according to the YooMoney clock, in the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss±hh:mm format (ISO 8601).
End of the report period that the report was generated for, exclusively (not including “till”).
Date and time according to the YooMoney clock, in the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss±hh:mm format (ISO 8601).
Example report header
Transfer (D row)
A separate D row is formed for each transfer made during the report period.

The time when a transfer was completed is considered the time returned in the processedDT field in the response to the makeDeposition request.

Line feed format
Line feed parameters
dstAccountYMAccountIdentifier of the transfer recipient.
clientOrderIdClientTransactionNumberOperation ID.
processedDTxs:dateTimeTime the funds were credited to the recipient’s account (according to the YooMoney server’s clock, Moscow time). Sent in response to a funds deposit request (makeDeposition). In the case of returned funds, the time when the money was returned from the recipient’s accounts.
amountCurrencyAmountThe amount of the transfer or refund.
currencyCurrencyCodeCurrency code of the transfer.
Example row
Control row (TD row)
The control row is the sum of all the transfers in the current report. If there weren’t any transfers in the specified period, the report is considered empty and the control row is omitted.
An empty report only contains the header row and the zero row (Z row).
String format
Control row parameters
countxs:intNumber of transfers during the specified period.
sumCurrencyAmountTotal amount of the transfers during the specified period.
currencyCurrencyCodeCurrency code of the total amount.
Example row
Report examples
Report example
Example empty report
See also
Funds deposit Data types
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