Process-payment method
Confirms a payment that was created using the request-payment method. Specifies the method for making the payment.
request_idstringPayment request ID assigned by YooMoney, copied from the request-payment response.
The requested method for making a payment:
  • wallet — using funds on the user’s account
  • ID linked to the card’s account (value of the id field in the bank card description)
Default: wallet
cscstringCard Security Code, the CVV2/CVC2 code of the user’s linked bank card. This parameter should be set only if payment is being made using a linked bank card.
ext_auth_success_uristringAddress of the page to return to when card payment has been successfully authenticated using 3‑D Secure technology. Shown if the application supports 3‑D Secure authentication. Required parameter for this type of authentication.
ext_auth_fail_uristringAddress of the page to return to when card payment has failed authentication using 3‑D Secure technology. Shown if the application supports 3‑D Secure authentication. Required parameter for this type of authentication.
Request example for payment from a user’s account
POST /api/process-payment HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 18

Request example for payment with the user’s linked bank card
POST /api/process-payment HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 44

The method returns the following parameters:
Operation result code. Possible values:
  • success — success (payment processed). Final state.
  • refused — payment processing was refused. The reason for refusal is returned in the error field. Final state.
  • in_progress — payment authorization was not completed. The application should repeat the request with the same parameters later.
  • ext_auth_required — in order to complete authorization of payment by card, additional authentication using 3‑D Secure technology is required.
  • all other values — the payment status is unknown. The application should repeat the request with the same parameters later.
errorstringOperation processing error code (additional description for the status field). Present only for errors.
payment_idstringProcessed payment ID. Present only on success. This parameter corresponds to the operation_id parameter in operation-history and operation-details for the payer’s history.
Balance left on the user account after processing the payment. Present only if the following conditions are met:
  • the method was executed successfully;
  • the access token has the account-info permission.
invoice_idstringThe merchant’s transaction number in YooMoney. Present when payment to the merchant has been completed successfully.
payerstringPayer’s account number. Present when funds were successfully transferred to the account of another YooMoney user.
payeestringAccount number of the user receiving the payment. Present when funds were successfully transferred to the account of another YooMoney user.
credit_amountamountThe amount credited to the payee’s account. Present when funds were successfully transferred to the account of another YooMoney user.
account_unblock_uristringThe address to send the user to in order to unblock an account. This field is present if the account_blocked error occurred.
acs_uristringAddress of the 3‑D Secure bank card authentication page on the issuing bank’s side. This field is present if 3‑D Secure authentication is required in order to complete a transaction using a bank card.
acs_paramsobjectAuthentication parameters for 3‑D Secure technology in the form of a “name-value” collection. This field is present if 3‑D Secure authentication is required in order to complete a transaction using a bank card.
next_retrylongRecommended time interval to wait before repeating a request, in milliseconds. This field is present when status=in_progress
digital_goodsobjectData about a digital product (PIN codes and bonuses for games, iTunes, XBox, etc). This field is present for a successful payment to merchants of digital goods.

The method response may return other internal fields that do not need to be processed.

Response example for successful authorization of the payment
  "status": "success",
  "payment_id": "2ABCDE123456789",
  "balance": 1000.00
Error codes
If an error occurred while processing the transaction, the error code is returned:
contract_not_foundThere is no existing unconfirmed payment with the specified request_id.
not_enough_fundsThe payer’s account does not have sufficient funds to make the payment. Additional funds should be credited to the account, and a new payment will need to be processed.
One of the operation limits was exceeded:
  • for the total amount of operations for the access token granted;
  • for the total amount of operations over a period of time for the access token granted;
  • YooMoney restrictions for various types of operations.
money_source_not_availableThe requested payment method (money_source) is not available for this payment.
illegal_param_cscThe csc parameter has a missing or invalid value.
The payment was refused. Possible reasons:
  • the merchant refused to accept the payment (checkOrder request);
  • the transfer to a YooMoney user is not possible (for example, the recipient’s wallet has reached the maximum amount allowed).
Authorization of the payment was refused. Possible reasons:
  • the bank card expired;
  • the issuing bank refused to perform the transaction for the card;
  • exceeds the limit for this user;
  • a transaction with the current parameters is forbidden for this user;
  • the user did not accept the User Agreement for the YooMoney service.
account_blockedThe user’s account has been blocked. In order to unblock the account, the user must be redirected to the address specified in the account_unblock_uri field.
illegal_param_ext_auth_success_uriThe ext_auth_success_uri parameter has a missing or invalid value.
illegal_param_ext_auth_fail_uriThe ext_auth_fail_uri parameter has a missing or invalid value.
all other valuesAuthorization of the payment was refused. The application should make a new payment request later.
Response example for refusal
  "status": "refused",
  "error": "not_enough_funds"
Payments via linked bank cards
Conditions for processing a payment using a linked bank card:
  • the user’s YooMoney account has a bank card linked to it;
  • the user granted permission for the application to use this bank card for payments;
  • the payment is being made to a merchant;
  • the merchant is able to accept payments using bank cards.
The time required for processing a payment using a linked bank card (money_source=card) depends on how long it takes the card’s issuing bank to handle the transaction. In addition, YooMoney may connect to the merchant’s server, and the response time likewise affects the total time for authorizing the payment.
If payment authorization continues for more than 1 minute, the process-payment method returns the results code of the in_progress operation. The application should repeat the process-payment method call with the same parameters once a minute until the final response is received (status should have either the success or refused value).
Response example if payment authorization was not completed
  "status": "in_progress"

If no response was received, the payment status is unknown. It is just as likely that the payment was accepted as that it was refused. To determine the payment status, repeat the process-payment call with the same parameters.

If payment is made using a bank card, additional buyer verification may be required using 3‑D Secure technology.
Payment scenario with 3‑D Secure authentication
Step 1. request-payment is called with payment parameters.
Step 2. process-payment is called with money_source=card, csc code, ext_auth_success_uri, and ext_auth_fail_uri.
Request example for payment with a bank card by an application that supports 3‑D Secure
POST /api/process-payment HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 164

Step 3. process-payment returns status=ext_auth_required, acs_uri, and acs_params.
Response example when 3‑D Secure authentication is required
  "status": "ext_auth_required",
  "acs_uri": "",
  "acs_params": {
    "MD": "723613-7431F11492F4F2D0",
    "PaReq": "eJxVUl1T2zAQ/CsZv8f6tCR7LmLSGiidJjAldMpTR7XVxAN2gmynSX59JeNAebu9O93u7QkuDvXzZG9dW22bWURiHE1sU2zLqlnPoofV1VRFFxpWG2dtfm+L3lkNC9u2Zm0nVTmLVvn9r7v5d/uS/UkYt4b8tjibUiGVxazICMeSSkmtwBmlhYw="
Step 4. The application should open the browser and make a POST request to the acs_uri address with acs_params parameters as application/x-www-form-urlencoded (the same as “HTML form submit”)
Step 5. The client is authenticated using the issuing bank’s process, then sent by HTTP 302 Redirect to either ext_auth_success_uri or ext_auth_fail_uri, depending on the result
Step 6. The application should repeat the process-payment call, specifying only a single parameter, request_id.
Request example when repeating the request for payment with a bank card by an application after passing 3‑D Secure authentication
POST /api/process-payment HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 18

Step 7. process-payment returns status=success or refused.
Data about digital goods
For a successful payment to a merchant of digital goods, the response contains the digital_goods field, which has a list of goods and a list of bonuses.
Data about a digital product or bonus:
merchantArticleIdstringProduct identifier in the seller’s system. Present only for products.
serialstringSerial number of the product (the open part of the PIN code, activation code, or login).
secretstringSecret for the digital product (the closed part of the PIN code, activation code, password, or download link).
Example of digital goods
"digital_goods": {
  "article": [
      "merchantArticleId": "1234567",
      "serial": "EAV-0087182017",
      "secret": "87actmdbsv"
      "merchantArticleId": "1234567",
      "serial": "2000012",
      "secret": "gjhkgjsuurtrghxchfhjkrwetuertrehtthh"
      "merchantArticleId": "1234567",
      "serial": "2000013",
      "secret": "77788sfs7fd89g89dfg77778dfgdjkert789"
  "bonus": [
      "serial": "XXXX-XX-XX",
      "secret": "0000-1111-2222-3333-4444"
See also
Request-payment method Access token scope
© 2025, "YooMoney", NBCO LLC