Form description
The description of the payment form is a JSON document in UTF‑8 encoding.
Form examples
Title fields on the form
The title section
The name of the product being purchased. Field type: string.
"title": "RusTel Northwest"
The hidden_fields section
Service fields for the form. Field type: object, a key-value set.
The client should transparently transmit the set of fields when the form data is sent to the server.
"hidden_fields": {
    "targetcurrency": "643",
    "ShopArticleID": "35241"
The money_source section
List of available payment methods. Field type: array.
Payment methodDescription
walletPayment from a YooMoney wallet.
cardsPayment using bank cards that are linked to the account.
payment-cardPayment using a bank card.
cashPayment in cash.
"money_source": [
The form section
The description of the form that should be shown to the buyer.
The form element is the root container of the form containing a list(group) of UI controls and containers.
The client should render the elements inside form vertically, top to bottom.
"form": [
   ... UI controls and containers ...
UI controls
A UI control is a field on the form designed for the user to enter something.
By default, all the control values must be filled in by the buyer, unless a form is explicitly declared to be optional (required=false).
The type of field data and rules for checking the values on the client side are determined by the control’s type and attributes.
All the control attributes listed below always exist in a description, unless explicitly specified otherwise.
General attributes of controls
typestringType of UI control. Required attribute.
namestringName of the form field, or parameter name for the form data submission request. Required attribute.
valuestringPre-set value of a control (other than checkbox). Optional attribute, omitted by default.
value_autofillstringAutofill macro for pre-setting field values by the client. Optional attribute, omitted by default. If the client handles macros, their values determine the value attribute.
hintstringHint for the buyer about the purpose and format of data in the field. Optional attribute, omitted by default.
labelstringTitle of the field to display to the buyer as a label on the control. Optional attribute, omitted by default.
alertstringError text to show to the buyer when there is an error verifying the information entered in this field. Optional attribute, omitted by default. The text is for displaying when there is an error checking data on the client side.
requiredbooleanIndicates whether the field must be filled in by the buyer. By default, true.
readonlybooleanIndicates that changing the value of the form field is prohibited. By default, false.
text — Text box
Single line for entering text. Details
Control-specific attributes:
typestringConstant value: text.
minlengthintMinimum allowed length of the string. Optional parameter, not defined by default.
maxlengthintMaximum allowed length of the string. Optional parameter, not restricted by default.
patternstringRegular expression for checking values entered by the buyer. Regular expression format: ECMA-262 RegExp (JavaScript RegExp). Optional parameter, not defined by default.
keyboard_suggestenumRecommended type of on-screen keyboard for mobile devices. Possible values: number — display a digital keyboard for the field. By default, the attribute is not defined, and a text keyboard is displayed.
  "type": "text",
  "name": "surname",
  "label": "Last Name",
  "required": true,
  "readonly": false
Example for a field with a set of decimal digits
  "type": "text",
  "name": "kbk",
  "label": "KBK",
  "pattern": "[0-9]{20}",
  "required": true,
  "readonly": false,
  "keyboard_suggest": "number"
number — Number entry field
Example for a field with a set of decimal digits. Details
Control-specific attributes:
typestringConstant value: number.
mindecimal numberMinimum value. Optional attribute, not defined by default (any value).
maxdecimal numberMaximum value. Optional attribute, not defined by default (any value).
Minimum number gradation (“step scale factor”). Optional attribute, default value is 1. Examples of possible values:
  • 1 — allows only integers;
  • 0.01 — minimum allowed step of a decimal number;
  • 10 — allows only integers that are multiples of 10.
  "type": "number",
  "name": "qty",
  "label": "Amount, units",
  "step": 1,
  "required": true,
  "readonly": false
  "type": "number",
  "name": "coins",
  "label": "Amount in game currency",
  "step": 0.01,
  "required": true,
  "readonly": false
amount — Box for entering amount
Single-line amount input field that extends the number type.
Control-specific attributes:
typestringConstant value: amount.
mindecimal numberMinimum value. By default, 0.01.
maxdecimal numberMaximum value. Optional attribute, not defined by default (any value).
stepdecimal numberMultiplication factor of the amount. By default, 0.01.
currencystring, [A-Z]{3}Three-letter currency code conforming to the ISO-4217 standard. By default, RUB.
feeobjectInformation about the commission charged to the buyer. If this section is included, it means that the buyer is charged a fee. By default, there is no fee charged to the buyer.
Attributes of the fee section:
Type of fee charged to the buyer. Can have the values:
  • std — the fee is based on a standard formula;
  • custom — fee with a complex formula or fee calculation on the side of the store, the fee is calculated when paying. It is necessary to notify the buyer of the fact of the fee.
By default, std.
adecimal numberA coefficient of the amount to transfer to the merchant (netAmount). By default, 0.
bdecimal numberA fixed fee per transaction, in currency units. By default, 0.
cdecimal numberThe minimum fee per transaction, in currency units. By default, 0.
ddecimal numberThe maximum fee per transaction, in currency units. By default, 0.
The type of amount on the payment form. Possible values:
  • amount — the amount to deduct from the buyer’s account;
  • netAmount — the amount to transfer to the merchant (to be received).
By default, amount.
Example: 2% fee over the amount to transfer to the merchant
  "type": "amount",
  "name": "sum",
  "label": "sum",
  "min": 0.01,
  "step": 0.01,
  "currency": "RUB",
  "fee": {
    "a": 0.02,
    "amount_type": "netAmount"
  "required": true,
  "readonly": false
Example: A fee is calculated on the partner side during payment
  "type": "amount",
  "name": "sum",
  "label": "sum",
  "min": 0.01,
  "step": 0.01,
  "currency": "RUB",
  "fee": {
    "type": "custom"
  "required": true,
  "readonly": false
Information about comissions
The payment form can have a commission fee set to charge the buyer.
The fee is defined by the formula:
amount = netAmount + fee
  • amount — the amount to deduct from the buyer’s account;
  • netAmount — the amount to transfer to the merchant (to be received);
  • fee — the size of the fee charged to the buyer.
Standard formula for calculating the commission fee:
fee = min(max(a * netAmount + b, c), d)
Calculating amount from netAmount:
amount = netAmount + min(max(a * netAmount + b, c), d)
Calculating netAmount from amount
netAmount = amount - min(max(max(amount * (a / (1 + a)) + b / (1 + a), b), c), d)
Minimum commission fee rule
If there is a commission fee charged to the user, regardless of the rates in the formula, the commission must not be less than 0.01 of the currency unit for the account (1 kopek).
If calculating the fee results in an amount less than 0.01, it is always rounded up to 0.01.
Minimum amount rule
When calculating netAmount from amount, you can only specify an amount for which netAmount will be greater than or equal to 0.01 units of the account currency (1 kopek).
If a smaller amount is specified, this leads to an error — the payment is not possible.
Standard types of commissions
Without commissiona=0, b=0, c=0, d=<undefined>. The fee block is omitted
Percent of amounta=<coefficient>, b=0, c=0, d=<undefined>
Fixed commission fee per transactiona=0, b=<amount, RUB>, с=0, d=<undefined>
Percent of amount AND fixed commission fee per transactiona=<coefficient>, b=<amount>, c=0, d=<undefined>
Percent of amount OR minimum commission fee per transactiona=<coefficient>, b=0, c=<amount>, d=<undefined>
email — Email input field
Box for entering an email address. Details
Control-specific attributes:
typestringConstant value: email.
  "type": "email",
  "name": "email",
  "label": "Email",
  "required": true,
  "readonly": false
tel — Phone number input field
Box for entering a phone number. Details
The format of the phone number value sent to the server is ITU-T T.164, the complete phone number without a + sign, for example: 79999999999.
The client can display the control as necessary, and choose the format for user input.
Control-specific attributes:
typestringConstant value: tel.
  "type": "tel",
  "name": "phone",
  "value": "79210000000",
  "hint": "International format",
  "label": "Phone number",
  "alert": "The phone number can only contain numbers",
  "required": true,
  "readonly": false
checkbox — Checkbox option
A checkbox is a control that implements a true or false flag. Details
The behavior of the control is defined in the HTML5 specification:
  • the value attribute defines the value that will be sent to the server if the option is selected; it can have any string value;
  • the state of the control is defined by the checked attribute — whether the option is selected or deselected;
  • only those fields that have the option selected (checked=true) are sent to the server.
Control-specific attributes:
typestringConstant value: checkbox.
valuestringThe value that will be sent to the server if the flag is set.
Starting state of the control:
  • true — flag is set (checked);
  • false — flag is cleared (unchecked).
Optional attribute, by default, false.
Possible values:
  • true — the form can be sent to the server only if the user selected the option;
  • false — the form can be sent to the server regardless of the state of the option (selected or unselected).
  "type": "checkbox",
  "name": "notify_me",
  "value": "agreed",
  "checked" : true,
  "label": "Notify me of deposits",
  "readonly": false,
  "required": false
date — Date selection (day/month/year)
A calendar for selecting the full date. Details
Control-specific attributes:
typestringConstant value: date.
mindate string or periodMinimum date allowed. Optional attribute, by default, any date.
maxdate string or periodMaximum date allowed. Optional attribute, by default, any date.
When sending form data to the server, the field value must be in date string format, such as 2015-02-12.
  "type": "date",
  "name": "receipt_date",
  "label": "Resolution date",
  "required": true,
  "readonly": false
month — Selection of month and year
A calendar for selecting only the month and year. Details
Control-specific attributes:
typestringConstant value: month.
minmonth string or periodMinimum allowed month and year. Optional attribute, by default, any date.
maxmonth string or periodMaximum allowed month and year. Optional attribute, by default, any date.
When sending form data to the server, the field value must be in month string format, such as 2015-02.
  "type": "month",
  "name": "period",
  "label": "Payment period",
  "required": true,
  "readonly": false
select — Selection of list item
A control for selecting one of the values from a list. Only represents the data model; the visual display of the control is up to the client’s discretion (ComboBox, Select, RadioGroup, Spinner, and so on). Details
The control can change the visual state of the form by switching the form viewstates.
Control-specific attributes:
typestringConstant value: select.
valuestringThe selected default value, optional field. If this attribute is omitted or set to a null value, it means “nothing was selected”.
optionsarray of objectList of values to select from.
Control display recommended to the client. Control display recommended to the client, optional attribute; by default, the client decides how to display this control.
Possible values:
  • RadioGroup — RadioButton/RadioGroup;
  • Spinner — Drop-down menus (ComboBox, DropDownList, Select).
Attributes of list items:
The selected value that will be sent to the server as the value for this form field.
Required attribute, its value must not be empty.
labelstringThe text shown to the buyer in the list of values.
array of object
A list (group) of UI controls and/or containers that become visible if this value is selected.
May contain other nested select parameters.
Optional attribute; by default, not defined (the form’s visual state does not change).
  "type": "select",
  "name": "country",
  "value": "gb",
  "label": "Country for calls",
  "options": [
      "value": "gb",
      "label": "Great Britain"
      "value": "de",
      "label": "Germany"
      "value": "es",
      "label": "Spain"
      "value": "it",
      "label": "Italy"
  "required": true,
  "readonly": false
Example: Selection changes the form’s visible state
  "type": "select",
  "name": "DeliveryType",
  "value": "ym_msk",
  "label": "Where to get the reader",
  "options": [
      "value": "ym_msk",
      "label": "at the YooMoney office in Moscow"
      "value": "russianPost",
      "label": "at a Russian Post branch office (after delivery)",
      "group": [
          // a group of UI controls and/or containers that becomes active if
          // this value is selected (a list of fields for entering the mailing address)
  "required": true,
  "readonly": false
textarea — Multi-line text box
A field for entering any text, which may consist of multiple lines. Details
Control-specific attributes:
typestringConstant value: textarea.
maxlengthintMaximum allowed length of text, in characters. Optional attribute, not restricted by default.
minlengthintMinimum allowed length of text, in characters. Optional attribute, not defined by default.
  "type": "textarea",
  "name": "comment",
  "label": "Comments on the transfer",
  "hint": "You can enter a message for the recipient here",
  "maxlength": 150,
  "required": false,
  "readonly": false
submit — Form submission button
Button on the form that initiates sending it to the server. Details
Control-specific attributes:
typestringConstant value: submit.
  "type": "submit",
  "label": "Pay",
  "required": true,
  "readonly": false
UI containers
A container is a group of UI controls or static data to display to the buyer.
General attributes of containers
typestringType of container. Required attribute.
group — Group of controls or containers
A group containing a list of UI controls and/or nested containers
All attributes are required, unless explicitly specified otherwise.
Container-specific attributes:
typestringConstant value: group.
itemsarrayList of controls and/or nested containers.
labelstringGroup title (label on the group). Optional attribute, omitted by default.
Recommended layout of items inside the group. Possible values:
  • VBox — vertically, top to bottom;
  • HBox — horizontally, left to right.
Optional attribute, by default: VBox.
  "type": "group",
  "label": "Transfer recipient",
  "layout": "VBox",
  "items": [
      "type": "text",
      "name": "surname",
      "label": "Last name",
      "required": true,
      "readonly": false,
      "maxlength": 50,
      "alert": "Please enter the recipient's last name"
      "type": "text",
      "name": "name",
      "label": "Name",
      "required": true,
      "readonly": false,
      "maxlength": 50,
      "alert": "Please enter the recipient's first name"
      "type": "text",
      "name": "patronymic",
      "label": "Patronymic",
      "required": true,
      "readonly": false,
      "maxlength": 50,
      "alert": "Please enter the recipient's patronymic"
p — Text paragraph
A section of static text that may contain hyperlinks. Details
Container-specific attributes:
typestringConstant value: p.
itemsArrayList of paragraph elements.
labelstringParagraph title (label over the text section). Optional attribute.
Paragraph elements can be:
  • text string (string type).
  • hyperlinks (object type).
Hyperlink attributes:
typestringConstant value: a.
hrefURLHTTP (S) hyperlink.
labelstringHyperlink text displayed to the buyer.
  "type": "p",
  "items": [
    "By clicking \"Pay\", you accept",
      "type": "a",
      "href": "",
      "label": "the terms of purchase of"
    "an iTunes PIN code."
ViewState — Changeable form states
You can change the set of visible form elements, depending on the values selected for specific controls with the select type.
Rules for working with forms with changeable states:
  • a form can be either single-step, or a step in a multistep form;
  • the description of a form or step of a form contains a complete list of UI controls and containers;
  • each UI control or container has a visibility state: whether it is displayed on the form, or not;
  • viewState (the form state) is a list of controls or containers displayed on the form in the current state;
  • one of the UI controls on the form switches the states.
The state switch logic works like the switch-case operator in popular programming languages:
select {
  option X =>
     elements visible in state X
  option Y =>
     elements visible in state Y
  option Z =>
The UI controls and containers that are located inside a particular select option become visible only when the value for this option is selected.
When submitting form data to the server, only the values of the UI controls that are visible in this state are added to the request.
Example: Payment form for purchasing an mPOS reader
  "title": "Reader for mobile point of sale (mPOS)",
  "hidden_fields": {
    "rnd": "77122820",
    "scid": "6953",
    "shn": "Reader for mobile point of sale (mPOS)",
    "targetcurrency": "643",
    "SuccessTemplate": "ym2xmlsuccess",
    "ErrorTemplate": "ym2xmlerror",
    "ShowCaseID": "7",
    "isViaWeb": "true",
    "try-payment": "true",
    "FormComment": "Reader for mobile point of sale (mPOS)"
  "form": [
      "type": "text",
      "name": "Ewallet",
      "label": "Account number",
      "hint": "Money will be credited to this account",
      "value_aurofill": "currentuser_accountkey",
      "pattern": "[0-9]{11,33}",
      "required": true,
      "readonly": false
      "type": "tel",
      "name": "contactPhoneNumber",
      "label": "Phone number",
      "required": true,
      "readonly": false
      "type": "text",
      "name": "LastName",
      "label": "Last name",
      "maxlength": 150,
      "required": true,
      "readonly": false
      "type": "text",
      "name": "FirstName",
      "label": "Name",
      "maxlength": 150,
      "required": true,
      "readonly": false
      "type": "text",
      "name": "MiddleName",
      "label": "Middle name",
      "maxlength": 150,
      "required": true,
      "readonly": false
      "type": "select",
      "name": "DeliveryType",
      "value": "ym_msk",
      "label": "Where to get the reader",
      "options": [
          "value": "ym_msk",
          "label": "at YooMoney office.Money in Moscow"
          "value": "ym_spb",
          "label": "at YooMoney office.Money in St. Petersburg"
          "value": "russianPost",
          "label": "in the Russian Post office (after delivery)",
          "group": [
              "type": "select",
              "name": "country",
              "value": "Russia",
              "label": "Country",
              "options": [
                  "value": "Russia",
                  "label": "Russia"
                  "value": "Belarus",
                  "label": "Belarus"
                  "value": "Ukraine",
                  "label": "Ukraine"
                  "value": "Moldova",
                  "label": "Moldova"
                  "value": "Armenia",
                  "label": "Armenia"
                  "value": "Azerbaijan",
                  "label": "Azerbaijan"
                  "value": "Kyrgyzstan",
                  "label": "Kyrgyzstan"
                  "value": "Kazakhstan",
                  "label": "Kazakhstan"
                  "value": "Tajikistan",
                  "label": "Tajikistan"
                  "value": "Turkmenistan",
                  "label": "Turkmenistan"
                  "value": "Uzbekistan",
                  "label": "Uzbekistan"
              "type": "text",
              "name": "index_address",
              "label": "Index",
              "pattern": "[0-9]{6,8}",
              "required": true,
              "readonly": false
              "type": "text",
              "name": "deliveryRegion",
              "label": "Region",
              "maxlength": 44,
              "required": true,
              "readonly": false
              "type": "text",
              "name": "address_1",
              "label": "Locality",
              "maxlength": 150,
              "required": true,
              "readonly": false
              "type": "text",
              "name": "deliveryStreet",
              "label": "Street",
              "maxlength": 44,
              "required": true,
              "readonly": false
              "type": "text",
              "name": "deliveryHouse",
              "label": "house number",
              "maxlength": 9,
              "required": true,
              "readonly": false
              "type": "text",
              "name": "deliveryCorpus",
              "label": "building unit",
              "maxlength": 9,
              "required": true,
              "readonly": false
              "type": "text",
              "name": "deliveryBuilding",
              "label": "building",
              "maxlength": 9,
              "required": true,
              "readonly": false
              "type": "text",
              "name": "deliveryFlat",
              "label": "apartment",
              "maxlength": 9,
              "required": true,
              "readonly": false
          "required": true,
          "readonly": false
      "type": "p",
      "items": [
        "By clicking this button, I accept",
          "type": "a",
          "href": "",
          "label": "terms of use of the mobile terminal"
      "type": "submit",
      "label": "Continue",
      "required": true,
      "readonly": false
Autofill macros
Autofill macros are for pre-filling form fields with specific values on the client side.
If the client processes macros, it generates value, which overrides value on the form.
If the client does not process macros, it is ignored.
      "type": "text",
      "name": "Ewallet",
      "label": "Account number",
      "hint": "Money will be credited to this account",
      "value_autofill": "currentuser_accountkey",
      "pattern": "[0-9]{11,33}"
Autofill macros:
currentuser_accountkeySubstitutes the account number of the YooMoney user, if known.
calendar_next_monthSubstitutes a yyyy-mm value in a month type field, for the next month after the current calendar month.
Defining dates and times
Time calculations are based on the ISO 8601:2004 standard.
Defining the complete date format: date string.
Format for specifying the complete date
Defining the month and year format: month string.
Format for specifying the month and year
In the attributes of the date and month UI controls, you can specify:
  • the absolute value of the full date or the month and year;
  • to use the current date (now);
  • a value calculated from the absolute date value and an interval.
Example: Absolute date value
Example: Substitute the current date
A value calculated from the absolute date value and an interval is defined in the section “ Representations of time intervals by duration and context information” of the ISO 8601:2004 specification.
Use Basic Format to define the interval (duration):
  • P — a period (dot);
  • nY — the number of years (for example, 3Y);
  • nM — the number of months (for example, 10M);
  • nD — the number of days (for example, 5D).

Unused symbols can be omitted. For example, you can specify an interval as 3Y or 2M10D or 5D.

To specify a date in the past, use the extended format defined in the section “ Representations of time interval identified by duration and end” of the ISO 8601:2004 specification:
To specify a date in the future, use the extended format defined in the section “ Representations of time interval identified by start and duration” of the ISO 8601:2004 specification:
Example: The selected payment period must be no earlier than three years ago
  "type": "month",
  "name": "period",
  "label": "Payment period",
  "required": true,
  "readonly": false,
  "min": "P3Y/now"
Example: The selected payment period must be no later than next month
  "type": "month",
  "name": "period",
  "label": "Payment period",
  "required": true,
  "readonly": false,
  "max": "now/P1M"
Example: The selected date must be no earlier than 1 January 2005, and no later than 3.5 years after 2 January 2009
  "type": "date",
  "name": "document_date",
  "label": "Resolution date",
  "required": true,
  "readonly": false,
  "max": "2009-01-02/P3Y6M"
© 2025, "YooMoney", NBCO LLC