Authorization request
The application uses the OS browser to send an Authorization Request to the YooMoney server.

To request a token, we recommend using the POST method (the equivalent of HTML “form submit”), and UTF‑8 encoding.

Request format
POST /oauth/authorize HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: <content-length>

Request parameters
client_idstringThe client_id that was assigned to the application during registration.
response_typestringConstant value: code.
URI that the OAuth server sends the authorization result to.
Must have a string value that exactly matches the redirect_uri parameter specified in the application registration data. Any additional parameters required for the application can be added at the end of the string.
scopestringA list of requested permissions. Items in the list are separated by a space. List items are case-sensitive.
instance_namestringIdentifier of the authorization instance in the application. Optional parameter. It allows you to get multiple authorizations for a single application.
Example of request parameters
scope=account-info operation-history
Request example
POST /oauth/authorize HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 191


It is forbidden to send a request (open a page) directly from the application, since the payment service regulations require that a user’s login name, password, and payment password may be entered only on pages of the YooMoney service.

For the authorization request, the user is redirected to the YooMoney authorization page. The user enters his login and password, reviews the list of requested permissions and payment limits, and either approves or rejects the application’s authorization request.
The authorization result is returned as an HTTP 302 Redirect. The application must process the HTTP Redirect response.

An individual application can only get one authorization per user.Repeated authorizations (with the same value for the client_id parameter) annul the permissions previously granted.

There is a way to get multiple authorizations for a single user: to do this, specify the instance_name parameter. In this case, repeated authorization considers both parameters, client_id and instance_name.
For the instance_name value, we recommend using a unique identifier of the user within the application, such as the user’s login name.
HTTP Redirect callback parameters
codestringTemporary token (authorization code); should be exchanged immediately for a permanent access token. Present if the user confirmed authorization of the application.
errorstringError code. Present if an error occurred or authorization was declined by the user.
error_descriptionstringAdditional text explanation of the error.
Possible errors (value of the error field)
Error codeDescriptionBehavior of the service
invalid_requestThe request is missing required parameters, or parameters have unsupported or invalid values.Page with the error message text.
invalid_scopeThe scope parameter is missing, or it has an invalid value or a contradiction in logic.Page with the error message text.
unauthorized_clientThe client_id value is invalid, or the application does not have rights to request authorization (for example, its client_id has been blocked by YooMoney).Page with the error message text.
access_deniedAuthorization request was declined by the user.Redirect to the application with the error code.
Example of the YooMoney response for successful authorization
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Response from YooMoney when authorization is declined
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
The temporary authorization code (the value from the code field in the response) must be immediately exchanged for an access token. This token is valid for less than one minute.
The application must be able to receive and process the response from the YooMoney server and immediately exchange the temporary authorization code for the access token.
If the application was not able to get a response from the server, or the temporary authorization code was lost or expired, the authorization process must be repeated.
See also
Access token request Revoking a token Application authorization flow App registration
© 2025, "YooMoney", NBCO LLC